Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions Maier Fahrschulen

1. Components of training
The driver's training includes theoretical and practical training.
Written Training Contract
The training is based on a written training contract.
Legal bases for training
The training bases on legal regulations and ordinance (Fahrschüler-Ausbildungsordnung). Apart from that, the following conditions apply. This conditions are a part of the training contract.
Termination of the training
The training ends after passing the driving test, anyway after 1 year after signing the contract.
If the training relationship will be continued after ending, the payment is conformed to the current price schedule 
(§ 32 FahrlG). The driving school has to point on it by continuation.
Lack of aptitude
If it is revealed, that the pysical or mental abilities of the student are not enough to get a driver's training, see number 6.
2. Payment, Price Schedule
The fee, agreed in the training contract, must be the in accordance with the Price Schedule.
3. Registration Fee and Services
a) The registration fee includes:
The general cost of the driving school,  the theoretical lessons and the pre-check until the theoretical exam. If the exam is failed, the driving school shall be entitled to charge the half of registration fee  for further theoretical training. To charge this fee after the failed driving test is prohibited.
Charge for driving lessons and services
b) The charges for the driving lessons per 45 minutes includes the costs of the car, the insurance and the driving training.
Cancellation of training lessons/ Notification period
Students must give at least 48 hours’ notice to your instructor if you wish to cancel or re-arrange a booked driving lesson. Failure to do so may result in your instructor charging you the 75% amount for that driving lesson.
The charge for the tests and services includes:
Registration theoretical and practical  test, including driving test. The charge for re-tests you find at the price-list.



4. Terms of payment
Registration fee when the contract is concluded, driving lesson before starting, the fee for the tests at least 3 days before the tests.
Right of refuse the service by outstanding payment
If there is an outstanding payment, the school may refuse the training and the test 
In continuation of the theoretical training, the charge is payable before starting.
5. Termination of the contract
Student: At any time.
Driving School: Only good cause.
A good cause is when the student
a) will not start the training within 4 weeks after concluding the contract or stops training more then 3 months.
b) failing the theoretical or practical tests 3 times
c) repeated or gross defy against the instructions or orders of the instructor.
Writing form of termination
The termination take only effect in writing form
6. Charge by termination
If the contract is cancelled, the driving school are entitled for paying the finshed classes and the driving test.
Termination in good cause by driving school or student without contrary to contract behaviour, the charge for the driving school is:
a) 1/5 of the registration fee, when the termination is made after cocluding the contract but before starting the training.
b) 2/5 of the registratin fee when the termination is made after beginning the theoretical lessons but before finishing 1/3 of the requested lessons.
c) 3/5 of the registration fee, when the termination is made after beginning the theoretical lessons but before finishing 2/3 of the requested lessons.
d) 4/5  of the registration fee, when the termination is made after beginning the theoretical lessons but after finishing 2/3 of the requested lessons.
e) The complete fee, when the termination is made after finishing the theoretical training.

7. Complying agrred appointments
Instructor and student must be ensure the timely beginning of the lessons. Lessons beginning and ending at the driving school. Deviation there from can be agreed between the instructor and the student. Interruption of the lesson by the instructor will be performed later or will be credited.
Waiting time in case of delay
If the instructor is delayed mor than 15 minutes, the student does not need to wait. If the student is delayed, the lost time will be borne to the student.
If the student is delayed more than 15 minutes, the instructor does not need to wait. The agreed lessons must be payed with 75 %.
8. Exclusion from training
The student will be excluded from the training:
a) if he is under the infuence of alcohol or drugs
b) in case of doubts about the driving capacity.
In this case, the student has to pay 75 % of the agreed appointment.
9. The student has to take care about the car, the visual aid and the teaching models.
10. Commisioning of the car only under supervision of the instructor. Violation leads to compensation of damage.
11. End of the training
The instructor only may finish the training, if he is convinced the student is ready to drive alone. (§16 FahrlG). 
The instructor decides after professional judgement (§6 FahrschAusbO)
The registration for the test requires the approval of the student and becomes binding for both parts of the tests. If the student do not appear, the charge for the test has to be payed.
12. Place of jurisdiction
In all cases the registered office of the driving school.

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